Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @9:59 PM
Warning: Contains ZongL ramblings.
More often than not, talking to my dad makes me want to pull my hair out in frustration.
I get that his old, and thus hard of hearing but honestly, it's easier talking to my
grandfather than him. And it's frustrating because I have to repeat what I say many times and he doesn't reply even when he hears so I have no idea whether he heard what I said or not.
I try to be patient- I really do!- but half of the time it gets on my nerves and at the end of it I huff and give up.
I totally envy those living in London right now because I want to go for the Merlin meet up! And I swear, if I live in the US I would probably attend all the conventions that are in my state.
But as it is, I'm celebrating the coming new year with the craziest bunch of people I know who does the silliest, most embarrassing things in the world.
Monday, December 29, 2008 @1:28 AM
Sometimes I would rather do good things than great things.
@12:42 AM
I'm not usually an alcoholic drinker, and only drink when there are occasions, even so I rarely take in alcohol at all.
But tonight, wow. I went from lime vodka to baileys and to apple martini. I never actually drank the whole cup but damn it, it was definitely a pleasant taste. I supposed it's because of the sweetness of it all, especially the apple martini which I think I fell in love with.
And god, IP Man was extravagant. I was pretty surprised at how well the show turned out, with subtle humor and eye bulging kung fu moves. Movies that are usually based on a really story are often very well done, but this movie went a step ahead.
Initially, I was weary to watch the show, but eventually the non stop persuasion from my friends made me decide to catch it.
I did not have a single moment of regret as there weren't any draggy parts at all. The action choreography leave you at the edge of your seat and rooting for the good guy makes your heart soar when he wins.
The only time I was disappointed was when I had to leave to go to the toilet.
Friday, December 26, 2008 @11:54 PM
I never knew hearing you sisters-in-arms arguing about the hottest guy in Twilight can be so draining. I think the conversation when something like this:
"Edward Cullen is so good looking"
"NO! Robert Pattinson did not do Edward justice"
"He's only good looking as Cedric Diggory."
And we go on and on and on...
"Jasper is so ugly!"
But it was funny. I still think that Twilight defies the general law for vampires.
For a person who never really truly celebrate Christmas, I got to admit, this year was probably the best Christmas I had ever!
It's usually the family dinner with turkey and ham but this year I had the joy of making presents and receiving them. I had meals that made my wallet empty and had dinners that was more than worth.
Christmas sparkled this year with laughter and friends, and I supposed it's the course of youth where we meet up and celebrate Christmas. Perhaps when I'm old and wilted, I'll just be like my dad and sink into a cozy chair watching the television.
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @11:51 AM
Well it's Christmas everyone and although I'm not crazy about it (except for wonderful turkey and ham), Merry Christmas to one and all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @10:35 AM
Oh my god. When my mum used short forms to write her e-mail I felt so weird. I mean, I barely even use short forms anymore.
Monday, December 22, 2008 @11:28 PM
"A true friend is when silence is enough for both of you to listen."I stink- literally.
I must say, it's always nice to chat up with your old buddy again after a month of silence and realised there's no awkwardness at all.
Where you just ramble about every day's going and comings and each other's boring life.
And geeze, I'm on the USC hype
And I should really consider the other schools.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @12:07 PM
Staring Jack Black, John C Riley and many more!
I wanted to post this a long time ago, but as I decided not to, I realised I wanted to keep this in my memories.
@12:38 AM
So, my holidays have started and I'm off trying to remember I do have projects but at the same time watching all the incredible TV series.
I love BBC, I remember they had Life on Mars which was awesome and now lovely Merlin which, despite appealing to audiences who are children is one of the better fantasy TV series I've watched. Added to the face it has a big fan base and there you have it. And of course there is Highlander which I am now on the second season and I'm waiting for Smallville and Supernatural to be back.
To those who don't know it yet, yes I'm a TV whore.
Okay, aside from all my makeshifts fantasy realm, let's get back on track on reality.
I've just came back from chilling out with Hazel whom I thought brought a whole new level to the word 'chill.' Starbucks is practically our friend where we just talk about everything and nothing at all. Funny thing is, we did exactly the same thing we did when we last met up. Yup, pretty much very boring but who cares? I haven't seen her in
Recently I've been enlightened that perhaps I shouldn't take things too seriously, whereby it becomes an emotional burden. And when you don't think too much, you realise life is much easier to go by, and you enjoy yourself more. After all, we only live once.
I love Reader's Digest, it's one of the things I read on bus and try not to burst into tears and making a scene. They have the most moving and inspirational stories out there, and we know they're mostly true. I find myself falling for the everyday heroes that can be just you and me, and I'm so inspired to do good things instead of great things. And the vocabulary they use: I can pick up a word or two from each article to boost and expand on my limited own. They make each article even more beautiful than it already is.
Ah wells, to those who complain I rarely blog, here it is: my very boring life.
Sunday, December 14, 2008 @2:35 AM
Because I just found this and had to share it:

Monday, December 01, 2008 @1:21 AM
I find it kind of amusing that for some movies although they didn't have good reviews, nor were they box office hits or some classic movie that everyone had preening and worshiping or even oscar winning, they have a pretty good fanbase to come to a point where they can make many sequels of the show. Take for example: The Fast And The Furious.
The movie and plot is not award winning, but the attraction is there especially with the furiously hot fast cars with the babes and the dudes. They also have a pretty large fan base out there especially with charmingly wit characters.
The fans are so great that they're having a sequel in 2009: The Fast And The Furious 4- although I think they messed up the timeline.
Goes to show sometimes all you need are hot cars, hot babes and hot dudes. Oh and not to mention gorgeous, exciting, adrenaline pumping car racing scenes.
Don't forget you have Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Michelle Rodriguez.
Kind of make The Godfather seem like a joke.